Type ID | API name | Description API name | Visualised on / data available at | Label (website) |
2 | Solar | The total solar energy generated consists of solar panels, solar meadows and solar parks (including behind the meter). In short, all forms of solar energy generation in the Netherlands. (Nationaal Energie Dashboard model) | Visualised on: energieopwek; CO2Monitor; ned.nl / Available via API or download at ned.nl | Zonne-energie |
0 | All | Total of renewable energy as seen on NetAnders (total of 1. Wind; 2. Solar; 3. Biogas; 4. Heatpump; 8. Cofiring; 9. Geothermal; 10. Other; 11. Waste; 12.Bio-oil; 13. Biomass; 14. Wood; 51. WindOffshoreC; 50. Solar Thermal). | Visualised on: energieopwek / Available via API at ned.nl | |
3 | Biogas | All generated biogas (Model Nationaal Energie Dashboard) | Visualised on: energieopwek / available via API at ned.nl | Biogas |
1 | Wind | Wind onshore. This is renewable energy from wind turbines on land. This includes wind turbines in inland waters, such as the IJsselmeer. (Model Nationaal Energie Dashboard). | Visualised on: energieopwek; CO2Monitor; ned.nl / Available via API or download at ned.nl | Windenergie op land |
17 | WindOffshore | This is renewable energy derived from offshore wind turbines. (Model Nationaal Energy Dashboard > replaced by parameter 51. WindoffshoreC) | n/a | n/a |
4 | HeatPump | This is energy produced through heat pumps. The heat supplied by a heat pump, minus the electricity needed to extract it from the environment, counts as renewable energy under international rules. (Model Nationaal Energie Dashboard) | Visualised on: energieopwek; available via API at ned.nl | Warmtepompen |
8 | Cofiring | When coal is partially replaced by biomass, that portion counts as renewable energy. (Model Nationaal Energie Dashboard) | Visualised on: energieopwek / available via API at ned.nl | Bij- en meestoken biomassa kolencentrales |
14 | Wood | This refers to renewable energy from the burning of wood by households in wood stoves, all-burners, pellet stoves and fireplaces. The amount of wood used counts as renewable energy. (Model Nationaal Energie Dashboard) | Visualised on: energieopwek / available via API at ned.nl | Houtkachels |
11 | Waste | Biomass (Biogenic) parte of waste (Model Nationaal Energie Dashboard) | Visualised on: energieopwek / available via API at ned.nl | Afvalcentrales |
13 | Biomass | Solid and liquid biomass for decentralized electricity and heat production on an industrial or semi-industrial scale (Model Nationaal Energie Dashboard) | Visualised on: energieopwek / available via API at ned.nl | Biomassa bedrijven/warmtenetten |
12 | BioOil | These are liquid biofuels that, based on legal requirements, are blended with gasoline and diesel at a fixed percentage as standard. Biofuels must meet international sustainability criteria. (Model Nationaal Energie Dashboard) | Visualised on: energieopwek / available via API at ned.nl | Bio-olie |
9 | Geothermal | Geothermal energy (ground energy) comes from a depth of more than 500 m. It is the heat supplied by the geothermal plant minus the electricity needed to pump this heat to the surface. (Model Nationaal Energie Dashboard) | Visualised on: energieopwek / available via API at ned.nl | Geothermie |
10 | Other | Charcoal and hydro power. These forms of renewable energy are very small in the Netherlands and therefore collectively form a category. (Model Nationaal Energie Dashboard) | Visualised on: energieopwek / available via API at ned.nl | Overig (energieopwek) |
23 | NaturalGas | Natural gas consumption (distribution and final consumers minus natural gas consumption for electricity and feedstock; based on ENTSO-G data). | Visualised on: CO2monitor / available via API at ned.nl | Aardgas (Gas) |
24 | Biomethane | Biomethane in the grid. Based on numbers certification agency. | Visualised on: CO2monitor / available via API at ned.nl | Groen gas (Gas) |
18 | FossilGasPower | Natural gas used for electricity (ENTSO-E). | Visualised on: CO2monitor and ned.nl / available via API and download at ned.nl | Gas (Stroom) |
19 | FossilHardCoal | Hard coal minus biomass. (based on ENTSO-E) | Visualised on: CO2monitor and ned.nl / available via API and download at ned.nl | Steenkool |
1 | Wind | Wind onshore. This is renewable energy from wind turbines on land. This includes wind turbines in inland waters, such as the IJsselmeer. (Model Nationaal Energie Dashboard) | Visualised on: energieopwek, CO2monitor, ned.nl / available via API or download at ned.nl | Windenergie op land |
25 | BiomassPower | Biomass, based on numbers certification agency. | Visualisation on: CO2monitor and ned.nl / available via API or download at ned.nl | Bijstook van biomassa |
22 | WindOffshoreB | This is renewable energy derived from offshore wind turbines (ENTSO-E data) | Visualised on: CO2monitor / available via API at ned.nl | Zeewind |
20 | Nuclear | Nuclear energy (ENTSO-E) | Visualised on: CO2monitor and ned.nl / available via API or download at ned.nl | Kernenergie |
35 | WKK Total | CHP (combined heat & power) is a technology that produces electricity and thermal energy at high efficiencies using a range of technologies and fuels. (Model Nationaal Energie Dashboard) | Visualised on CO2monitor and ned.nl / available via API or download at ned.nl | WKK |
21 | WastePower | Total of waste power. ENTSO-E data supplemented with model: Entso-E data shows electricity portion of waste plants but is incomplete in a moving window of 28 days which is supplemented with a model. (based on ENTSO-E) | Visualised on CO2monitor and ned.nl / available via API or download at ned.nl | Afval |
26 | OtherPower | Electricity that is not assigned to another category (hydro run-of-river, CHP plants fed by biomass and biogas). (Model Nationaal Energie Dashboard) | Visualised on: CO2monitor and ned.nl / available via API or download at ned.nl | Overig |
27 | ElectricityMix | The CO₂ emission factor for the electricity mix | Visualised on: CO2monitor and ned.nl / available via API or download at ned.nl (totale elektriciteitsproductie) | CO₂-emissiefactor elektriciteit |
28 | GasMix | The CO₂ emission factor for the gas mix | Visualised on: CO2Monitor and ned.nl / available via API or download at ned.nl (totale gasconsumptie) | CO₂-emissiefactor gas |
50 | SolarThermal | Solar thermal energy is production of heat by capturing solar energy through solar thermal panels. (Model Nationaal Energie Dashboard) | Visualised on: energieopwek / available via API at ned.nl | Zonthermie |
51 | WindOffshoreC | This is renewable energy derived from offshore wind turbines (ENTSO-E data, when unavailable, Nationaal Energie Dashboard model) | Visualised on: energieopwek and ned.nl / available via API at ned.nl | Windenergie op zee |
55 | LocalDistributionCompaniesCombination | Summation of Local Distribution Companies L and H-gas. This roughly represents the gas consumption of households and small businesses and is a proxy for the heating demand in the Netherlands. | n/a | n/a |