Changelog API - Nationaal Energie Dashboard

Changelog API - Nationaal Energie Dashboard

v1.18.0 (05-11-2024)

New data have been added. Check the Detailed API Type descriptions for more details:

  • Electricity load of the Netherlands and resulting CO2 emissions data are added as typeID 59 (available as Current(2) and Forecast(1))

  • Day-ahead forecasts and resulting CO2 emissions data are added for ElectricityMix (Select typeID: 27, Point: Netherlands(0), Activity: Providing (1) and Classification: “Forecast(1)”)

  • Day-ahead forecasts and resulting CO2 emissions data are added for FosilHardCoal (Select typeID: 18, Point: Netherlands(0), Activity: Providing (1) and Classification: “Forecast(1)”)

  • Day-ahead forecasts and resulting CO2 emissions data are added for WKK Total (Select typeID: 35, Point: Netherlands(0), Activity: Providing (1) and Classification: “Forecast(1)”)

  • Gas stocks data can be retrieved up to 5 years backwards


v1.17.0 (03-10-2024)

New data have been added. Check the Detailed API Type descriptions for more details:

  • Day-ahead natural gas nominations (see description for typeID 18)

  • Cross-border electricity data has been added to TypeID 27 (see label website: “Cross-border electriciteit” in type descriptions)

  • Gas flows and gas stocks Netherlands added to typeID 28 (see labels website: “Gasstromen” and “Gasvoorraden Nederland” in type descriptions)


v1.16.0 (19-06-2024)

The Activity was changed from 'Providing' to 'Consuming' of the sources listed below on Wednesday, June 19, 2024:

  • Natural gas (Type id: 23)

  • Biomethane (Type id: 24)

  • GasMix (Type Id: 28)

  • Gas Distribution (Type Id: 31)       

The 'Activity' parameter is a mandatory field and must be entered with each API request. After making the change, no results will be returned from these sources where the 'activity' is set to 'providing' (parameter = 1), this should be changed to 'consuming' (parameter = 2).


v1.15.0 (13-06-2024)

Updated values for type 26.OtherPower for The Netherlands (point 0) for the years 2021 and for 2022 up untill now, to reflect new CBS numbers. Historic values have been recomputed to align with newest capacities.


v1.14.0 (20-04-2024)

Updated values for 2.Solar for The Netherlands (point 0) and all provinces (point 1-12) according to new CBS numbers. Historic values have been recomputed to align with newest capacities.


v1.13.0 (05-04-2024)

Minor change in 25.BiomassPower calculation to better align with certified biomass quantities. Adjusted quantities for may-23 untill dec-23.


v1.12.0 (05-04-2024)

Increased capacity for 4.HeatPumps. Affected records: Jan-22 until now.


v1.11.0 (07-03-2024)

Capacity update for:

·         3.Biogas and 13.Biomass: new guidelines on renewable sources, therefore renewable part of both sources has shrunk. Affected records: July 2021 until now.

·         12.BioOil because of growth electrical vehicles.

·         8.Cofiring.

·         10.Other.

·         9.GeoThermal:

·         4.HeatPumps

·         1.Wind and 2.Solar: Aligned with CBS numbers

·         Adjustment of offshore windfarm Hollandse Kust Noord (point 36). ENTSOE data showed that the growth of the wind farm stagnated.


v1.10.0 (24-08-2023)

Addition of new offshore windfarm “Hollandse Kust Noord”. The total 17.WindOffshore values have been updated. A new point has been added as well (point 36). Values have been recomputed from aug-23 up to now.

The value for 26.OtherPower has been adjusted following new information on this segment.

The method by which 51.WindOffshoreC is computed has been adjusted to better respond to curtailment.

Values for 35.WKK_Total have been recomputed from jan-21 until now following additional insight on past CHP plant production.


v1.9.0 (22-08-2023)

Updated values for offshore windfarm “Hollandse Kust Zuid”. The total 17.WindOffshore values have been updated as well as the specific wind farm values itself (point 35). Values have been recomputed from dec-22 up to now.


v1.8.0 (17-08-2023)

Updated 25.BiomassPower values up to May-23.


v1.7.0 (23-05-2023)

Addition of regional 2.Solar data, points 1.Groningen … 12.Limburg have become available.


v1.6.1 (09-05-2023)

Bugfix release for 14.Wood category not returning results after 01-05-2023.


v1.6.0 (06-04-2023)

Minor change in 25.BiomassPower calculation to better align with certified biomass quantities. Adjusted quantities for dec-22 and jan-23.


v1.5.0 (17-03-2023)

Aligned with CBS numbers: 2.Solar, 1.WindOnshore (affected records Jan 2020), 27.ElectricityMix, 21.WastePower (affected records Jan 2021).

Adjustment data 26.OtherPower to electricity that is not assigned to another category (hydro run-of-river, CHP plants fed by biomass and biogas). (affected records Jan 2021).


v1.4.0 (28-02-2023)

Adjustment of 25.BiomassPower to include actual Biomass cofiring data. Affected records: Oct-22 up to Jan-23.


v1.3.0 (20-02-2023)

Adjustment of CHP power plant production (type 35.WKK_Total). Affected records: Aug-21 until now.

Adjustment of parameter 0.All so it includes 51.WindOffshoreC instead of 17.WindOffshore.


v1.2.0 (03-02-2023)

Addition of new Wind Offshore model (51.WindOffshoreC)

Adjustment of Wind Offshore meteorological source data (17.WindOffshore)

Capacity update for 2.Solar, 3.Biogas, 4.HeatPump, 8.Cofiring, 10.Other, 11.Waste, 12.BioOil and 13.Biomass. Affected records: Jan-21 until now.


v1.1.0 (12-01-2023)

Addition of 50.SolarThermal as API source

Improvements of 1.Wind Onshore and 17.Wind Offshore models