Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

This page contains frequently asked questions related to data and models. For other questions please visit: https://ned.nl/nl/veelgestelde-vragen .

  1. Could you clarify the meanings of the "capacity," "volume," and "percentage" columns in the data?

  • Volume: total production for the selected granularity.

  • Capacity: equivalent hourly capacity (production per hour). If the granularity is 15 minutes, volume*4 gives the capacity. Volume and capacity are the same for hourly granularity.

  • Percentage: This is the utilization percentage of the energy source compared to its maximum effective capacity. You can find the maximum effective capacity per timestamp using the formula 'max_capacity' = 'capacity'/'percentage'.


  1. What are the main principles used for calculating CO2 emissions  and carbon intensities?

     You can find the main principles here: https://co2monitor.nl/en/principles .


  1. CO2 emission factors are different for Netherlands compared to other EU countries, where do they come from?

     The emissions factors come from the report “CE-Delf Power Labeling 2013, May 2014”. (Page 13, table 5 in the report) The emission factors are not only dependent on the fuel type but also on the efficiency of the power plant. For example, the coal centers in NL are newer and much more efficient that leads to lower CO2-emissions.


  1. Which energy types are included in the total electricity mix (Type 27)?

    Electricity mix is composed of these types: 1, 2, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 35.

    For finding the total volume from these types that is equivalent to electricity mix, please use the following filtering:

  • TypeID in (1,2,18,19,20,21,22,25,26,35)

  • Choose PointID = 0

  • Choose Activity = "Providing"

  • Choose Classification either “current” or “forecast”

  • Choose a specific granularity (e.g. “Hour”)


  1. What is the difference between type 17, type 22 and type 51 for offshore wind data?

    The “forecast” values from type 17 are basically forecast of the wind generation by the model using weather forecasts. The “current” values from type 17 are results of the model again using actual weather data. Thus, type 17 is modelled data. The real actuals come from ENTSO-E and represented by type 22 & type 51 on http://ned.nl .


  1. Why are the percentages for wind offshore data are sometimes higher than 100%?

    There was a bug at our calculation of percentage for offshore wind. The installed capacity values were not correctly registered in our database leading to higher than 100% utilization rates. Our team fixed it in November 2024, so the percentages are correct now. However, the historical values are not corrected yet. If you would like to recalculate these values yourself please contact us via contact@ned.nl.


  1. What is the difference between Type ID’s Other vs. OtherPower, Waste vs. WastePower, and Biomass vs. BiomassPower?

If there is the word “Power” in the type name as in OtherPower, WastePower and BiomassPower, that type gives the amount of electricity produced from the resource. On the other hand, the same Type ID without the word “Power” in the name as in Other, Waste and Biomass gives the amount of total energy (both electricity and heat together) produced from the resource.  See the manual for type definitions for more detailed explanation for each Type ID.






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